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Vincent William Baran Day of Service

Find the Vinny in It

Do something specific with your family or friends that exudes joy, empathy for others, and/or a passion for flourishing in life. Let us know how you plan to celebrate!

The key elements are that it should be:

  • Something specific and intentional: not just something routine

  • An expression of joy, empathy, and/or your passion for flourishing in life: go out and get ice cream, play a board game, run through a sprinkler, go on a hike, do cannonballs off the diving board, create a spectacular fort with couch cushions, have a picnic, help a neighbor with yard work, volunteer at a local non-profit or charity, donate blood, build a wild creation with LEGOs, attend a sporting event or concert, have a kid-friendly dance party, host a fun movie night … your imagination is the limit!

We’d love hear your plan (share in the form) and to see what you actually do—snap a photo and share it on Facebook or Instagram with #MightyVincent. Not on social media but want to share a photo with the Baran family? Send us an e-mail.

As always, we welcome donations to The Vincent William Baran Charitable Fund, and all donations received in August and September 2023 will be granted to the non-profit organizations with which we partner for this purpose.


VWB Day of Service Shirts & More!

Whatever you do, you can take it to the next level of awesome by wearing your Vincent William Baran Day of Service t-shirt. Proceeds benefit the Hudson Community Foundation.


How you Found the Vinny in It in years’ past…